Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I've never met another human being that makes my entire body tighten whenever I see them. I've never met someone who makes my heart beat go into overdrive, one who makes my words into jumbled sentences. Someone who makes my hands shake, and knees buckle. It's a feeling that takes your breathe away. I do believe in the connection of two souls. I do believe in chemistry connections. I feel crazy, I've never had someone give me such a strong feeling, for such a long period of time. It's been four years since the first time I realized how strong one spiritual connection can be to another human being. Yet, with only living a couple houses away, I am forced to relive the fact everyday, that the chances of getting to express this strong connection are pretty much obsolete. It's a bittersweet feeling. It will make question everything about yourself. It will make you hopeful some days, & hopeless, other days. Even when you see them with someone else, you will always wonder if they did or ever will feel that same connection you have always felt.


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