Thursday, December 22, 2011


Sometimes I feel like we our in our own little world. day by day, we move through our life. We do our same routine. We drive to and from the same places. We meet the same people. before we know it, time flys right by us and we are left to ponder on what we could have done differently with our life.

I am stuck at an awkward moment in my life right now. I understand what is going on around me. People have either done nothing with their life, or have worked their asses off, until the stress had reached its maximum level. I want neither of those. I want to be comfortable. but not waste my life focusing on making the most money, or getting the best education. I want to enjoy life for what it is truly about. Not the material items, but more simplistic things, like appreciating life for what it gives : love, happiness, beauty, etc. As far fetched as it may seem, I want to make a difference in the world. For those we truly are in need. As immature as it may sound, I have put this before all of my other wants in life. To me, you do not improve yourself by getting the best education, or making the most money. But by improving someone Else's life, improving the world. Then, when the time comes to reflect back on your life, you did not waste it by sitting at desk, rushing to get from point A, to point B. You gain the satisfaction of knowing you truly made a difference, not only in your own life, but most importantly in someone Else's. And that is truly something to be remembered for.

Get out as much as you can. Put down your books, or your desk load of work. Turn your TV off, turn your computer off. Go sit outside. Be around nature. Go do something you LOVE to do. Try volunteering at a soup kitchen or a salvation army. Just enjoy your life. Do not be burdened by the stress of work, and school may bring. Do not waste your life by putting off stuff you want to do. Though it may seem like we have all the time in the world, it has a way of slipping past us without notice.


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