Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I've never met another human being that makes my entire body tighten whenever I see them. I've never met someone who makes my heart beat go into overdrive, one who makes my words into jumbled sentences. Someone who makes my hands shake, and knees buckle. It's a feeling that takes your breathe away. I do believe in the connection of two souls. I do believe in chemistry connections. I feel crazy, I've never had someone give me such a strong feeling, for such a long period of time. It's been four years since the first time I realized how strong one spiritual connection can be to another human being. Yet, with only living a couple houses away, I am forced to relive the fact everyday, that the chances of getting to express this strong connection are pretty much obsolete. It's a bittersweet feeling. It will make question everything about yourself. It will make you hopeful some days, & hopeless, other days. Even when you see them with someone else, you will always wonder if they did or ever will feel that same connection you have always felt.


Friday, January 27, 2012

These thoughts are not only thoughts...but also feeling. It's these things I cannot explain through words, but rather felt from within.

Then I realized, life is not about trying to explain yourself, it's about knowing what's true within. Who you truly are. What truly matters.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Drugs Inc.

After listening to Led Zeppelin & Jimi Hendrix for the past four hours, I'm completely convinced I am a person who was reincarnated from someone in the late 60's to early 70's. You want to know what makes all of their songs so great? The drugs they took before they went out, & performed them!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ellie Goulding - Wish I Stayed (Acoustic Version)


Sometimes I feel like we our in our own little world. day by day, we move through our life. We do our same routine. We drive to and from the same places. We meet the same people. before we know it, time flys right by us and we are left to ponder on what we could have done differently with our life.

I am stuck at an awkward moment in my life right now. I understand what is going on around me. People have either done nothing with their life, or have worked their asses off, until the stress had reached its maximum level. I want neither of those. I want to be comfortable. but not waste my life focusing on making the most money, or getting the best education. I want to enjoy life for what it is truly about. Not the material items, but more simplistic things, like appreciating life for what it gives : love, happiness, beauty, etc. As far fetched as it may seem, I want to make a difference in the world. For those we truly are in need. As immature as it may sound, I have put this before all of my other wants in life. To me, you do not improve yourself by getting the best education, or making the most money. But by improving someone Else's life, improving the world. Then, when the time comes to reflect back on your life, you did not waste it by sitting at desk, rushing to get from point A, to point B. You gain the satisfaction of knowing you truly made a difference, not only in your own life, but most importantly in someone Else's. And that is truly something to be remembered for.

Get out as much as you can. Put down your books, or your desk load of work. Turn your TV off, turn your computer off. Go sit outside. Be around nature. Go do something you LOVE to do. Try volunteering at a soup kitchen or a salvation army. Just enjoy your life. Do not be burdened by the stress of work, and school may bring. Do not waste your life by putting off stuff you want to do. Though it may seem like we have all the time in the world, it has a way of slipping past us without notice.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Spiritual Connection

I don't know how spiritual you may be, but for me, everything has some sort of spiritual connection. Even the people I meet on a day-to-day basis. I feel as if a particular thing, or a particular person may have more of a spiritual connection then any other specific thing or person. As crazy as it may sound, I feel as if some of us are spiritually connected from the beginning, and we so happenly find our way into each other's life unintentionally.

I will never forget the man I met four years ago. I was so young, and clueless. I didn't realize what was happening. I have always been an open person. I am not shy. I say what I think. Though, every time I would see this young man, I could not speak, I could not move. All I could think about was how fast my heart was beating. All I could see was him. Everything else just blurred around me. Four years later, I still get that way. I never understood why I would get like this. I have had many of what you would say "crushes" on other men and would be the first to go up and speak to them. I have never felt this "weakness" before in my entire life.

Though it may sound like the beginning of a love story. It ends shortly after it begins. Being a young teenager, I thought that this was my prince charming. In my defense, Taylor Swift didn't help too much either. Though, after developing my beliefs, and growing into the person I have become Today, I must say that I truly do feel a connection with this one particular human being.

No, I am not saying I am madly in love with this man. I am not hoping to create some fantasy love story. Over the past four years, I have just recognized signs that have become very clear to me that I do see a connection. Though, unfortunately this man has found his connection with somebody else. Though I am hoping the connection that I see, he may one day see too. As crazy as this all may seem to you, I feel as If I am correct about this connection, it will one day lead us back into each other's life. Not as lovers. Maybe not as even close friends. But just two simple human beings, sharing one line.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Everything is going to be Okay

It took me awhile before I could understand the meaning of many things. I am still learning as we speak. I have learned through past experiences and advice through others. One very important, and most valuable lesson that I have learned this past year, is that life is so big, and so beautiful, that any burden that we may have now, life will overcome it. We have to understand that nothing lasts forever, unfortunately that means good things, but it pertains to the bad things as well. We have to change our mindset on how we view the world around us. We have to stop looking for every negative thing we possibly can. Every day is new. It is a chance to breathe, it is a chance to change our mindset. Negative emotions are natural, but it doesn't mean we have to be stuck on them. I cannot stress enough that life itself, is massive, even if it at times it may seem short.

We also need to learn to let go. Staying stuck in the past, can bring out our self doubt and make us focus on what isn't important. What is important is the now. Every feeling, every thought, every action will affect our future. Understand that you are in this moment, you are breathing, You are okay.

As hippie as it may sound, nature has brought me closer to what truly matters. Being 17-years-old, usually what matters is having a car, graduating high school, and having a boyfriend. Yes, those things do hold somewhat of an importance in my life, but not as much as the bigger picture of everything. Going to parties, being "popular" it all holds no importance to me. Being around nature, being able to appreciate everything for how it is. Being around the ones that I love. That is what truly matters.

The next time you are feel overwhelmed for some reason or another. Just remember that no matter what you may be facing, life will surely overcome it within time. Remember to breathe. Everything is going to be okay
